Friday, June 23, 2006

Was that me???

I am amazed, stunned, shocked, astonished, bewildered, astounded, perplexed and ... and... and...

So what if most of the questions in Quant as well as in Verbal were a copy-paste from OG 11? :) :) :) I have scored my highest so far, and it gives me immense pleasure in presenting b4 you the score card for ETS PowerPrep - 2, which i took today in the morning:

The reason for all the adjectives used above is:

750, i know is not my potential... Its not that i am underestimating myself, but frankly speaking, i dont deserve to be in the 99th percentile category... Yes, when it comes to GMAT quant, if i keep my eyes wide open and do not misread any of the question stems, than i can score a decent 49 or even more... But when it comes to GMAT verbal, i cant help myself to 90+ percentile, even if i keep my eyes, nose, ears, head everything open.... :)

So, with 2 more days to go before the G-day, i shouldnt get carried away with the score i have today and shouldnt get over-confident, but should stay focused on the major weakpoint that i have: Sentence Correction!!!

I remember the time when i used to go for AIMCATs last year.... Those 2 mark Sentence Corrections were quite easy pickings for me... In fact, those were the times when i hardly used to open a grammar book and refer any grammar related stuffs.... And today, after having done tons of practice, i find that my accuracy percentage has only deteriorated... Nways, enough of cribbing, here is the flow of the test:


Pretty simple argument.. Mentioned 4 assumptions on which the argument was based... I havent prepared a template for the same, just wonder if it proves useful??? Any idea over this folks??
Even simpler issue... Listed the pros and cons of the approaches, and finally described the basis on which i agreed with one of them... Was not able to end the way i would have liked to... :(


I was not calculating the answers here, but was trying to remember the page number in OG 11 from where the questions were picked... :) Completed the section with over 14 minutes to spare...


First question was SC as per my expectations... Followed by another SC, followed by two successive RCs... Some of the questions here, were again from OG 11 but unlike in Quant, in Verbal i was not very confident before clicking on an answer... The only odd thing in the Verbal Section was that i was given a CR only after the 14th question!!! I felt I was kind of hurrying through the questions, and it was then that i noticed that i was on 35th question with 25 minutes to spare.... Got through the remaining 6 questions in another 10 minutes...

The score:

As seen above, quant was ok... I probably got over confident and in the meanwhile clicked 14th, 35th and 36th incorrect... 3 incorrect, 33 correct... Scaled score: 50

U maaaaaaaaaaa.... Verbal:41!!! Just crossed the '40' mark i dreamt... :) But SCs again were the enemies... 5 SCs, 2 RCs and 1 CR incorrect... The question numbers i got incorrect were: 2, 20, 21, 25, 33, 34, 37 and 40... Hmmm... it pays more to do better in the top half of the Verbal section than in the bottom half!!!

All in all, taking ETS Powerprep - 2 after doing OG 11 certainly boosts your confidence... :) But you got to understand that the questions in the actual GMAT, wont be from your tamed OG 11...
68 hours to go before kick off!!!!!!



Blogger A said...

All the best dear :-) Just dont panic during the exam..Kepp ur cool..:-)

7:08 AM  
Blogger righty said...

Thanks a lot Scarecrow... :-) I am taking the final test GMATPrep-2 today which will help me in keeping my cool during the exams... :-)

8:34 PM  
Blogger Achilles said...

this seems to be so good man....all the best ( couldn't call u)

12:39 AM  

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